Sunday 26 June 2011

✭ The Pentagram ✭

    Okay, seriously - Satanism is just about entirely based on Wicca. Although the two are just about exact opposites. For example, the pentacle is typically displayed as a sort of diagram representing the devil's head:

     Truth is, the original (a.k.a the Wiccan) interpretation is a representation of the five elements; earth, air, fire, water, and Spirit/energy/Ether. The circle outline represents the Earth, as well as the bond between the five; the unity.
       This, below, is a pentacle; a simple five-pointed star. Pentagrams have the circular outline. Both are accurate symbols of Wicca.

     There is more to these symbols, such as how they are specifically used in rituals, but to learn about that, I'd suggest buying some books on Wicca (I have a post on some suggestions, if you'd like!). I'm only gonna provide the basics :)

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