Sunday 26 June 2011

A little insight...

     Welcome to the world of Wicca. It takes an open mind to truly understand this religion, although in truth, it's very simple.
     You see, Wicca is a form of Paganism, and Paganism is nearly unlimited in its belief systems. Generally, we Pagans are very loyal to the concept of there being no 'one way' when it comes to religion and spirituality. I say "generally" because the aspects of Paganism rely completely on individuality.
     Nobody has the same spiritual experiences, and nobody interprets them the same way. Paganism can involve deities, faerie, witchcraft, angels, demons, or none of these! It is a simple matter of respect for individual beliefs. Please know that absolutely no comments that involve preaching about 'eternal damnation' or any of that kind of stuff will be allowed here. Peace!!!
     Always know that every situation is already healed in spiritual truth, and that you are completely safe in your faith in the wonderful world of Wicca...

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