Sunday 26 June 2011

A little insight...

     Welcome to the world of Wicca. It takes an open mind to truly understand this religion, although in truth, it's very simple.
     You see, Wicca is a form of Paganism, and Paganism is nearly unlimited in its belief systems. Generally, we Pagans are very loyal to the concept of there being no 'one way' when it comes to religion and spirituality. I say "generally" because the aspects of Paganism rely completely on individuality.
     Nobody has the same spiritual experiences, and nobody interprets them the same way. Paganism can involve deities, faerie, witchcraft, angels, demons, or none of these! It is a simple matter of respect for individual beliefs. Please know that absolutely no comments that involve preaching about 'eternal damnation' or any of that kind of stuff will be allowed here. Peace!!!
     Always know that every situation is already healed in spiritual truth, and that you are completely safe in your faith in the wonderful world of Wicca...

✭ The Pentagram ✭

    Okay, seriously - Satanism is just about entirely based on Wicca. Although the two are just about exact opposites. For example, the pentacle is typically displayed as a sort of diagram representing the devil's head:

     Truth is, the original (a.k.a the Wiccan) interpretation is a representation of the five elements; earth, air, fire, water, and Spirit/energy/Ether. The circle outline represents the Earth, as well as the bond between the five; the unity.
       This, below, is a pentacle; a simple five-pointed star. Pentagrams have the circular outline. Both are accurate symbols of Wicca.

     There is more to these symbols, such as how they are specifically used in rituals, but to learn about that, I'd suggest buying some books on Wicca (I have a post on some suggestions, if you'd like!). I'm only gonna provide the basics :)

A Real Witch's Work ♻

     Witchcraft. Yes, there are wands, cauldrons, and crystal balls BUT --- CLEAR your mind, because if all you know of the Craft is from the general media, well my oh my have you got a lot to read about! =)
     Ever tried gardening? Making tea from your tea leaves? Do you grow your own food? Well then it's time for a trip to the confession box, you sinner ;)
     Witchcraft, by basic definition, is the craftwork of working with the Earth! You see, this religion is the worship of nature; living in harmony with our Earthly home.
     Now you're probably thinking about those cauldrons I mentioned, eh? Well, there are tools that witches use in witchcraft, so here's a little info on the basics:



A wand is used to direct energy, although if you don't have one, a pointed finger or ready hands work just as well. Wands are made out of anything organic; usually a stick or a crystal, and are generally associated with female energy, as well as the element of 'air'.


Crystals are incredible. Seriously. There are countless types, and each one has a unique set of metaphysical properties physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Each crystal is connected with different chakras, and can be placed on them for different purposes during meditation, automatic writing, and other spiritual practises. They can also be used for scrying purposes.


Okay, so now you're probably really expecting to hear about something strange, like sacrificial rites and all. Well, no. If you remember, I  mentioned that Wicca is about living in harmony with Earth. That includes respect for the value of life. All life. In ancient times, sacrifices were made in plenty of religions, if not all. But in more modern times, there are no sacrifices, of course. An athame is a ceremonial dagger, traditionally with a black handle. It's used much like a wand in the sense that it's used to channel and direct psychic energy, and bring power to invocations. They are generally associated with masculine energy, as well as the element of 'fire'.


A boline, unlike an athame, is used for cutting. Cutting herbs, ropes, etc... Traditionally, it has a white handle. It can have a straight or a curved blade.


Pendulums can be used for multiple purposes. The most common would be dowsing and communication. 'Dowsing' is when you use tools such as pendulums or dowsing rods to seek an object, a place, etc... The item will guide you to whatever it is you seek. Pendulums can also be used to contacts ethereal beings. The goal is to establish a method of communicating (e.g. the pendulum moving left for 'yes', right for 'no') hence beginning a conversation with the spirit you are communicating with.


I promise - no frogs, lizards or people ever enter a witch's cauldron! Cauldron's are used for burning papers or incenses, mixing herbs, making black salt, and not much more. As it is a working tool, it represents the element of 'earth'. In Celtic mythology, cauldron's are associated with the Goddess Cerridwen. It is also sometimes represented as a womb, because it holds things.

Essential Oils

Aromatherapy, basically. The scents of different oils are said to have different healing effects, as well as other metaphysical properties.


Altars are used for honour and celebration. There are many different kinds, like elemental altars, seasonal altars, or even altars to honour people. It's a simple set up of tools, candles, symbols, herbs, oils, etc... Generally, altars are for rituals, but also may be left as temporary decoration throughout a celebration.

     By the way, if you're like me, you wish you could go au-naturel and be free from inorganic products. Well unfortunately, if you're like me, you also just can't go without wearing makeup. Now, I have found some beauty recipes that are inexpensive and completely organic! There are thousands of toxic chemicals in our everyday beauty products that affect all different areas of our bodies. I was horrified to read all the things we take in without noticing, and I'm sure you would be too. I'd recommend reading this book:
     It has incredible information, hair, skin and nail care, and an ingredient 'blacklist' which I'll try to provide for you. Meanwhile, check these out, they're my saving grace! :

You'll have to sacrifice a spoon for this one! Place an almond on a spoon and heat the spoon over a fire. Voilà! Black powder.

     Also,  I'd highly recommend these natural deodorant stones. I'd had mine for a couple weeks now and I love it. It does not get absorbed by your skin, nor does leave any residue on your skin and clothing. It doesn't have any perfume in it, so it's not scented. It eliminates odours very effectively. Just moisten it and apply to any area where you want odour protection. Rinse the stone when you're done. It's one that the whole family can use! It's the same price as any deodorant, and as far as I know, it doesn't wither, so it lasts forever. Correct me if I'm wrong, though! I've only had mine a little while. But I can tell you it works! It's great --- rub a rock on yourself and you smell good. Who knew?

The Festivals ✴

     Ah, the merriest times of all... In Wicca, there are eight main holidays: Yule (Christian's 'Christmas'), Imbolc, Ostara (Christian's 'Easter'), Samhain (Christian's 'Halloween'), Mabon, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Midsummer. They have multiple names and multiple spellings. I found a blog called 'The Woodland Witch", and I loved her descriptions of them. So this is copied and pasted from her's, with added pictures (

The Wheel of the Year consists of the Celtic holidays which Pagans all over the world celebrate. How each Sabbat is celebrated varies from culture to culture.

     Samhain marks the Celtic New Year. It is when the harvest comes to an end and the earth begins her long winter sleep. Leaves change colour and fall from the trees, the remains of the crops are burned or plowed back into the fields to nourish the soil for spring planting. It is a time to reflect on the past year, finish any old business, pay off any debts, let any grievances and ill feelings die. The idea being not to take any of the negativity from the previous year into the coming one so you can start a new. It is also the time for the Day of the Dead when we honor the memories of those who passed on to the Otherworld. It is a time to remember that the end of one thing, though it may be sad, leads to a beginning of something new.

     Yule is the winter solstice and the longest night of the year. It's significance is that even though everything appears dead and is covered under a blanket of snow or mud depending where you live, we are to observe that new life will come forth in the spring and we look forward to the days of growing light and warmth. Incidentally Christmas trees really have nothing to do with the birth of Christ. It was a tradition brought to England and Ireland by the Norsemen who in their land would cut boughs of fir trees and other evergreen trees and bring them inside to decorate and brighten their homes and great community halls as a symbol of life amid the death like grip of winter. No doubt the pine fragrance would also serve to chase away the stale smells of so many people being forced to stay indoors out of the bitter cold for so many months. At solstice the ancient Celts were already having bonfires with the purpose of driving the cold winter away and the beckoning Sun God to rise triumphantly and defeat the long dark winter gloom.

     Imbolc is also known as the Feast of Bridgid. We honour the Triple Goddess for it is at this time still during the dead of winter that Earth has renewed her virginity yet even so she bears the seed of the coming Spring within the warmth of her womb. At this time of the winter is loosing it's grip on the earth and warmer days are drawing near. It is a time for us to say a blessing over and prepare any seeds or bulbs that will be planted in the spring to ensure they will grow and flourish.


     Ostara is also another name for Easter the Pagan Goddess of Spring. The Christian holiday remembering the day Jesus ascended to heaven after being crucified still today bears the name of a pagan fertility goddess. Many of the Christian holidays fall on or very near to the old Pagan celebrations because the Pagan people were so unwilling to relinquish their own festivals so the Church began to give different Christian meanings to the Pagan ritual days. At this time the Goddess transforms from being the Maiden to the Mother once more giving birth to the sun and to all life. The egg is a symbol of new life about to be manifest. The tradition of painting Easter eggs began as a way of manifesting wishes. A single fertile egg was taken from a nest and painted with a representation of a wish one wanted to manifest be it for prosperity, a good harvest, new love, or such. It was then hidden or buried in the ground the idea that the life of the unhatched chick would be transferred to the wish that was painted on the shell. Since then this practice has now been abandoned and transferred to hard boiled eggs which are then eaten. The Easter bunny refers to the March Hare which is also the symbol of the spring time Goddess.

     Beltane is the beginning of summer. Winter's chill is but a distant memory and the sweet fruits of summer are just becoming ripe for the picking. Life as a whole seems sweeter too. The sun is warm and bright but is not yet too hot. The grass is green and not yet turned brown. Flowers are in bloom and colour and sweet fragrances are everywhere. It is often a time when couples plan to wed and children anxiously await the closing the of school for the summer. The earth is coming into her fullness and the promise of bounty is in sight. Traditionally it is a time for building a bonfire and gathering round with friends to share the first bounty of the year. Among Pagans this a time for handfasting. A handfasting traditionally lasted for a year and a day and then the couple can renew their vows to each other or choose to let their marriage expire.

     Litha (Summer Solstice) is the height of the year. The Earth is in her prime, crops are high and the sun shines longest on this day. This time of year is full of folly and mirth, a time where a certain giddiness is felt, an unrest that leads us to thoughts of love and pleasure.We feel the effects of the warm weather and the lazy days of summer today. We are beckoned to enjoy the warm days and sweet fruits that come into ripening, to not take life for granted. Perhaps deep in our minds we are aware that even though the days are warm and the sun is high, on this day the days begin to get shorter. For as this is the time the God reaches His zenith it also marks the time when He must relent to the slow rise of winter. The God begins His retreat into the enchanted realm of the Goddess.

     Lughnasadh is the feast of Lugh. He is the Celtic God of the sun and of agricultural fertility, since his foster mother died from preparing the lands of Ireland for planting. His festival is in Her honor. For it is through Her sacrifice that the people had grain to eat and to sustain their lives. Lughnasadh marks the beginning of the grain harvest and grain being a staple of the diets of nearly all civilizations around the world it is indeed a very important crop. It feeds not only us but the animals we raise for food and for milk. Grain is also very important to the making of beer and ale. During this time we are urged to give thanks for the bounty of what we have.

     Mabon comes at the autumnal equinox when the day and night are at equal length. This time of year is the reaping time when we pause to reflect on the passing year and express our gratitude to Mother Nature for all our wishes that she has helped us to manifest. We also begin looking toward the coming year and possibilities of what might lay before us, our dreams and wishes yet unrealized and things we never even imagined. Mythicly, this is the day of the year when the god of light is defeated by his twin and alter-ego, the god of darkness. It is the time of the year when night conquers day.


So ends the calendar but only to begin again. The Wheel is forever turning.

Gods & Goddesses

One of the greatest things about Paganism is the way you come to know your God(s) and Goddess(es). A Wiccan can be a polytheist, a monotheist, or even an atheist. This means that they may believe in multiple deities, or they may believe in only one deity, or they may not even believe in any deities whatsoever. Paganism insists that perceptions of higher powers depend completely on the individual's spiritual beliefs.
     For the believers, the general idea of a God and a Goddess is the totality of the male and female energies of the Universe. There is also the common belief that our Earth is our Mother Goddess, and the Horned God (no, not the devil), our Father.
     There are countless deities in the mythologies of the Earth. Thousands. So of course I won't list them all, I can't. So here's a list of just a few of the main deities that are worshipped by Wiccans (some have more names than those provided):

Aphrodite/Venus: Goddess of love and beauty.
Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom and war. Her symbol is the owl.
Artemis/Diana: Goddess of the hunt, virginity, and childbirth. Often associated with the Moon.
Astarte: Goddess of fertility, sexuality, and war. 
Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of transformation, of the cauldron of inspiration, and of prophecy. 
Demeter: Greek Goddess of the harvest and of grain.
Eos: Greek Goddess of the dawn.
- Ereshkigal: Mesopotamian Goddess of darkness, death, and gloom.
- Flora: Roman Goddess of flowers.
- Fortuna: Roman Goddess of fortune. 
- Lalita: Hindu Goddess of Beauty.

- Gaia/Tara/Yemaya/Cybele/Shakti/Radha/Danu/Durga/Hathor: Earth Mother, Divine Mother. She has many names due to her worship within many cultures.
Hecate: Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon. 
Hel: Queen of the Dead. (Presumably where the term 'Hell' came from. Just another Wiccan thing that was flipped by opposers...)
- Hera: Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of women, and of marriage.
- Inanna: Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare. 
Luna/Selene/Rhiannon: Goddess of the Moon.
Rosmurta: Goddess of abundance. She is also the Goddess of business success.
- Voluptas: Roman Goddess of pleasure.

     As you may have noticed, these are all Goddesses I have mentioned. There are Gods, too, of course. Although the main God that Wiccans worship is the Horned God. There's a lot to say about this guy, so, to save myself the typing, I'll just give you the link to someone else's page who explains Him quite admirably:

❀ The World of Fae ❀

     I guess you're wondering why you always see images of fairies and elves and dragons when viewing Wicca-oriented images. Well, Faerie in Paganism is like the Pagan concept of deities. It depends on the individual's beliefs. Not all Wiccans believe in the Faerie Realm, but many of us do.
     This realm includes beings such as fairies, elves, brownies, leprechauns, tree people, dragons, bush people, unicorns and mermaids. I know it sounds silly nowadays, but remember --- clear and open your mind. These are beings not created for the humour of the media (and forget how they are perceived through the media), they are beings that have been seen and spoken with for thousands of years by countless clairvoyants. Even nowadays, there are groups who work with the Devic Realm and train students to open up to their clairvoyance and gain the ability to communicate with these lovely creatures.

     Dragons, gargoyles and such are often believed to be beings that we manifest spiritually with our negativity, and we can defeat their influence by overcoming our negativity with positivity and/or by asking for higher help. Although, depending on the individual, they are also at times believed to simply be their own beings, therefore not necessarily being negative creatures.

     Fairies, leprechauns, elves, sprites and other beings like these are nature spirits, or nature angels. They are the guardian angels of plant and animal (-and sometimes human-) life. They are part physical, part ethereal. Meaning they have a semi-physical body, although they are also ethereal spirits, so they cannot be harmed by anything in our physical plane. Before we mow our lawns, jump into a lake, or start running around on natural grounds (fields, forests, etc...) the devas truly appreciate it when we warn them first. Just think the words "Watch out! I don't want to scare you!" or something along those lines. They can hear our thoughts, as they are not limited by the physical boundaries of biology, so there's no need to feel pressured so speak this aloud. It's simply polite, and may strengthen your connection to the Devic Realm!

     Tree and bush people are the spirits that inhabit trees and bushes. Clairvoyant Doreen Virtue PhD. claims that there is the life force and spiritual being of the plant itself, and then there is the spirit that also resides in the plant, acting as a sort of guardian.

     These are the general beliefs and interpretations of these beautiful beings.
Although, of course, individual beliefs may vary.

     For those who support the idea of reincarnation, there is also the belief that some of us are the incarnations of these elementals, as well as incarnated angels. Here is some of the general criteria that these incarnated people live up to:

Incarnated angels often find themselves dying or highlighting their hair blonde and have angelic, childish facial features. These are people who devote their life to helping others. Therefore, they often find themselves in jobs such as nursing, teaching, caregiving, the airline industry, and other careers that involve supporting the public. They often put on weight, or even be obese. This is because they have a natural tendency to 'eat their feelings' and buffer themselves from the dense, negative energies of planet Earth. They see the best in everyone, and this might even lead them to staying in abusive relationships longer than the average person would tolerate. They often have a history of multiple marriages.

Incarnated elementals (people from the Faerie Realm) usually have a Celtic heritage. They have a stronger connection to plants and animals than they do with humans. They may even dislike humans and their doings. They'll often be misunderstood and people may come to find them mean and mischievous. This is because of their lack of connection to humans, as they truly are such kind souls. Fairies themselves are not actually mean or mischievous, they are nature angels, and truly are angelic. Incarnated faries are often tall and willowy. It is rare to see one who is short or overweight. And, incarnated fairies will look like fairies, just as incarnated angels look like angels. This is because people subconsciously choose to carry on their past-life characteristics; incarnated brownies will choose to wear dark, heavy clothing, kind of like a friar or a monk, elves may choose to wear clothes that look "ready-to-go", mermaids will love long, form-fitting gowns, fairies will opt for flowing dresses, and leprechauns will decide to wear green and settle for a comfortable pair of shoes. Incarnated elementals are quite defensive of nature, and will usually find themselves working as veterinarians, biologists, environmentalists, and other careers involved in the protection of nature. All they really know is how angry they are about the destruction and the pollution of our planet, and only the bravest choose to incarnate into human form to make a change.

Some information is from Doreen Virtue PhD.'s books Healing With The Fairies and Healing With The Angels.

The Wiccan Rede ❤

     Like I said, Wicca is not evil. It has it's morals, and there is a law. Not all Wiccans are law-abiding, but it is a basic moral for white witches. It goes like this:

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.

Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. 

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. 

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again. 

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. 

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek. 

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest. 

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows. 

Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight.   Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower. 

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye. 

Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility. 

Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen. 

Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark. 

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows. 

When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite. 

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules. 

In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight. 

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be. 

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed. 

With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart. 

Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow. 

Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you. 

These Eight words the Rede fulfill: 

"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

Follow this with mind and heart,
And Merry ye meet and Merry ye part.

     This is the full version, although most Wiccans would present the Rede in a less detailed form:

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill;
"An ye harm none, do what ye will."
What ye sends out comes back to thee,
So ever mind the Law of Three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, merry ye part.

     The basic moral of the Rede is that as long as your actions cause no harm to others, do what you want. The Law of Threefold is the idea of karma, times three. What you give out comes back to you with three times the strength.