Witchcraft. Yes, there are wands, cauldrons, and crystal balls BUT --- CLEAR your mind, because if all you know of the Craft is from the general media, well my oh my have you got a lot to read about! =)
Ever tried gardening? Making tea from your tea leaves? Do you grow your own food? Well then it's time for a trip to the confession box, you sinner ;)
Witchcraft, by basic definition, is the craftwork of working with the Earth! You see, this religion is the worship of nature; living in harmony with our Earthly home.
Now you're probably thinking about those cauldrons I mentioned, eh? Well, there are tools that witches use in witchcraft, so here's a little info on the basics:
A wand is used to direct energy, although if you don't have one, a pointed finger or ready hands work just as well. Wands are made out of anything organic; usually a stick or a crystal, and are generally associated with female energy, as well as the element of 'air'.
Crystals are incredible. Seriously. There are countless types, and each one has a unique set of metaphysical properties physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Each crystal is connected with different chakras, and can be placed on them for different purposes during meditation, automatic writing, and other spiritual practises. They can also be used for scrying purposes.
Okay, so now you're probably really expecting to hear about something strange, like sacrificial rites and all. Well, no. If you remember, I mentioned that Wicca is about living in harmony with Earth. That includes respect for the value of life. All life. In ancient times, sacrifices were made in plenty of religions, if not all. But in more modern times, there are no sacrifices, of course. An athame is a ceremonial dagger, traditionally with a black handle. It's used much like a wand in the sense that it's used to channel and direct psychic energy, and bring power to invocations. They are generally associated with masculine energy, as well as the element of 'fire'.
A boline, unlike an athame, is used for cutting. Cutting herbs, ropes, etc... Traditionally, it has a white handle. It can have a straight or a curved blade.
Pendulums can be used for multiple purposes. The most common would be dowsing and communication. 'Dowsing' is when you use tools such as pendulums or dowsing rods to seek an object, a place, etc... The item will guide you to whatever it is you seek. Pendulums can also be used to contacts ethereal beings. The goal is to establish a method of communicating (e.g. the pendulum moving left for 'yes', right for 'no') hence beginning a conversation with the spirit you are communicating with.
I promise - no frogs, lizards or people ever enter a witch's cauldron! Cauldron's are used for burning papers or incenses, mixing herbs, making black salt, and not much more. As it is a working tool, it represents the element of 'earth'. In Celtic mythology, cauldron's are associated with the Goddess Cerridwen. It is also sometimes represented as a womb, because it holds things.
Essential Oils
Aromatherapy, basically. The scents of different oils are said to have different healing effects, as well as other metaphysical properties.
Altars are used for honour and celebration. There are many different kinds, like elemental altars, seasonal altars, or even altars to honour people. It's a simple set up of tools, candles, symbols, herbs, oils, etc... Generally, altars are for rituals, but also may be left as temporary decoration throughout a celebration.
By the way, if you're like me, you wish you could go au-naturel and be free from inorganic products. Well unfortunately, if you're like me, you also just can't go without wearing makeup. Now, I have found some beauty recipes that are inexpensive and completely organic! There are thousands of toxic chemicals in our everyday beauty products that affect all different areas of our bodies. I was horrified to read all the things we take in without noticing, and I'm sure you would be too. I'd recommend reading this book: http://nomoredirtylooks.com/thebook/
It has incredible information, hair, skin and nail care, and an ingredient 'blacklist' which I'll try to provide for you. Meanwhile, check these out, they're my saving grace! :
You'll have to sacrifice a spoon for this one! Place an almond on a spoon and heat the spoon over a fire. Voilà! Black powder.
Also, I'd highly recommend these natural deodorant stones. I'd had mine for a couple weeks now and I love it. It does not get absorbed by your skin, nor does leave any residue on your skin and clothing. It doesn't have any perfume in it, so it's not scented. It eliminates odours very effectively. Just moisten it and apply to any area where you want odour protection. Rinse the stone when you're done. It's one that the whole family can use! It's the same price as any deodorant, and as far as I know, it doesn't wither, so it lasts forever. Correct me if I'm wrong, though! I've only had mine a little while. But I can tell you it works! It's great --- rub a rock on yourself and you smell good. Who knew?
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